Thursday, March 15, 2007
# - 7:44 PM
yawns, tired tired.
yesterday nite watch soccer, woah.
arsernal won, i won.
but chelsea i lose money,
tat day, went kbox.
happy day until she msged me at 12pm.
happy 6th month breakup.
its 6th month since she left me,
she is the girl who i truely once love.
yesterday went revo city,
had fun, looked at the sea.
thinking of my future,
went i grow up i wan to go overseas.
build a business empire,
LOL, tats my goals.
sat down and had a long chat wif sherna,
shared a long conversation.
she knows me better,
cox we were once good friends.
didnt even realised we chatted till sky was dark, lol.
anthea didnt msg me today, hmm.
de fucking ziyang basturd donoe msg wad,
he dont wan tell me wad he msged wif anthea,
wad he and her de secret, i dont need know.
fuck him, *ahbish*